Friday, February 21, 2020

(research proposal)Exaime the diffculties african carribian lone Essay

(research proposal)Exaime the diffculties african carribian lone parent face in employement in the united kingdom - Essay Example will include, how many employed Afro-Caribbean lone parents in a selected sample have an economically sound job and what is the average distance they have to travel to reach their employment station, how many hours does an Afro-Caribbean lone parent work on an average and how many hours does he/she spend with his/her child/children, what kind of public transport facilities are available for a working Afro-Caribbean lone parent and what kind of support an Afro-Caribbean lone parent receives from his/her family members. One major study on the economic status of lone parents in UK was done by J. Millar and Karen Rowlingson (2001). Millar and Rowlingson (2001, pp.180) have found that the majority of lone-parent families in Britain are White but some ethnic minority groups are over-represented among lone-parent families (such as Afro-carrebian women). Another study (Giddens &Griffiths, 2006, pp.215) has also substantiated this as a fact by noting that â€Å"there are far fewer black women aged between twenty and forty four living with a husband than there are white women in the same age group.† Millar and Rowlingson (2001, pp.183) have observed, â€Å"the link between high rates of lone parenthood and lack of labour demand causes problems for lone parents for seeking paid work.†These researchers (Millar & Rowlingson, 2001, pp.183) have inferred that one reason for the high rate of lone parenthood in certain areas is owing to the deficiency of decent paid jobs for men in the locality, which detracts them from becoming â€Å"husband-father-breadwinners.† Hence they (Millar & Rowlingson, 2001, pp.183) have suggested that â€Å"improving employment opportunities in deprived areas for both men and women could therefore increase the labour market participation of lone parents, while at the same time reduce the number of lone parent families.† It was when New Labour came to power in UK that the policies on lone parents underwent a drastic change. Millar and Rowlingson (2001,

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Assignment Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Assignment Reflection - Essay Example With such manoeuvres, it is more likely to attract many more customers in the market. However, a stagnant business that rarely makes changes in the management, service delivery and customer care will rarely make positive growth. In counter reactions to such situations, Nestle employs the â€Å"four pillarâ€Å"solution. This includes innovations and renovations, operational efficiency, consumer communications and delivery of goods. The case study was practically knowledgeable as it shed light on the following activities in a business. The first approach in case study on Nestle was directed at observing the current operational excellence and evaluate its effects on the business (Jackson, 2008:11). The management is concerned about all activities that are in the business and how they are conducted. This will give the people in control information on all the activities of the business and how each of the activities is affecting the business (Hitt, Duane and Hoskisson, 2012: 43). For e xample, the company is not interested in the short term profits that could jeopardise the firm’s performance in the long run (Chopra, 2009:12). This is a serious problem that could jeopardize the performance of the business (Moran, Braaten and Walsh, 2013:16). Since this is the initial stage, the manager should keenly watch the processes of supplying products and time taken before the products are dispatched to the market. In ensuring there is concrete observation of all the activities that are taking place, a manager should conduct a personal observation on all these activities (Rubin and Babbie, 2010:19). This will give first hand information. In such a manoeuvre, the manager will have unbiased information on the activities that are taking place in the business (Samii, 2004:12). In strengthening the information that is collected, the manager should then embark on collecting information from the line managers. This includes horizontal ad vertical line managers in the firm (P aul, 2011:21). This is by collecting information from the people that work in the stated departments in Nestle. Gathering such information will give concrete information that is reliable. After the observations, the manager should then try to analyze the situation. This is a situation that is affecting the supply of products and services and must have a negative impact to the business (Saunders, 2003:18). First, it is a setback to the businesses since the market will be affected in the long run (Dolley, 2011: 20). Secondly, the Nestle firm is to make a positive impact in the market. However, when the short term goals are vitalized, the company will not meet its long term goals. In such a case, the business is at a risk of losing some of its customers. After analysis the situation, a manager should look at the causative factors (Marschan-Piekkari and Welch, 2011:11). This includes focusing on the supply of materials, technological mishaps and transport preparation. Similarly, the man ager has to analyze the number of employees working on the delivery of finished goods. This will be followed by slotting various solutions and changes that could be used to rectify the problem. When the manager in Nestle comes up with various solutions to the problem, it is a preparation to ensure the situation does not affect the business (Wall and Rees, 2004:32). For example, the manager could come up with options of increasing the number of emp